Essential Oils checklist
Stimulate contractions and make them more active: Clary Sage, Whisper, Myrrh, Jasmine
Pains: Basil, Serenity, Aromatouch, Black Pepper, Whisper, Lavender (dilute and rub on back, belly, ankles)
Creating a Peaceful Birthing Space: Citrus Bliss, Elevation, Serenity, Jasmine, Roman Chamomile, Wild Orange in the diffuser
Grounding and Calming: Balance, Frankincense on spine and feet
Perineum Spray: Helichrysum & Frankincense with coconut oil (put on directly before pushing stage and healing after. 20 drops each w/ 1 oz fractionated coconut oil) email me with any questions or if you would like oils at wholesale pricing
A special thanks to Stephanie Fritz for her ideas on these recipes. Her book is called "Pregnancy, Birth and Babies with Essential Oils"
Home Birth Checklist 1. Large Mixing Bowl 2. Tube of Lanolin or Nipple Cream 3. Ear Bulb Syringe (new) 4. Thermometer 5. 2-3 Cotton Baby Hats (I got the ones in the picture on Etsy. So cute!) 6. Small Bottle of Oil 7. 2-3 Adult Diapers 8. Plastic Sheeting or Tarp 9. 6-12 Receiving Blankets 10. 6-8 Bath Towels & 6 Hand Towels 11. 2-6 Washcloths 12. Plastic Sheet, Water Proof Mattress Cover, or Shower Curtain 13. 1 Box of Tissues or Roll of Toilet Paper 14. Heating Pad or Hot Water Bottle 15. 1 Package Large Chux Pads/ Underpads 16. 2 Large Black Yard Waste Garbage Bags 17. Hand Mirror 18. 12 Large Super-Absorbent Sanitary Pads 19. 8+ Kitchen Size Garbage Bags 20. Flashlight 21. Lead-Free Hose (for water birth) 22. 2 Sets of Sheets to fit the birth bed 23. Exercise Ball 24. Food for Mom 25. Hydrating Liquid (I like coconut water) 26. Food for Midwives and Birth Team 27. Bendy Straws 28. Space Heater or Fan 29. 2 Tennis Balls 30. Bright Portable Light 31. Several Bottles of Hydrogen Peroxide 32. 1-3 Ice Packs 33. Acetaminophen and/or Ibuprofen